Can you solve the riddle of our next collection?
Greetings, Flameseeker!
I, Guildmaster Firestone, have been hard at work on a new batch of candle magic, a full collection of glorious never-before-seen candles which I know you will love.
I am so excited to reveal their names to you … but I also very much love games.
Do you like riddles? I hope so, because I have created a series of them to whet your appetite for this collection. The first riddle is the name of the collection itself, and the following nine (yes NINE new candles) are the candles and the magical places they will transport you.
Without giving too much away, riddles are a somewhat appropriate theme for this collection.
So let us begin.
The Collection:
I have paths but no walkers
Rivers but no water
Mountains but no snow
What am I?
Candle 1
A green land in the shadow of the white hand.
My people are strong, my horses swift.
Where am I?
Candle 2
Smoke rises over my twisted corpse.
Once I was green, alive, now evil infests my bones.
Now I am poison and fire.
Where am I?
Candle 3
A land of dreams, some say a sorceress lurks there
But for those willing to blind their eyes,
Wonder and beauty await beneath the golden trees.
Where am I?
Candle 4
I call to adventurers to prepare for war, but am myself a place of peace.
My names are many, my purpose refuge, my keeper wise.
Where am I?
Candle 5
Don't stray from the path for my waters are dark.
Don't stray from the path for my traps are many.
Don't stray from the path for the eyes are watching.
Where am I?
Candle 6
Kings watch my streets and halls.
Upon my crown, a white tree rises.
Lifeless but waiting.
Where am I?
Candle 7
They delved me too deep, my warnings unheeded,
For while I host riches, I also hold doom.
Where am I?
Candle 8
Small land, small people, great heart.
Sheltered land bears a secret.
The fate of great things rests in the small.
Where am I?
Candle 9
I cut the lands in twain.
The spine of giants with giants on my spine.
Where am I?
Super fun!! I do love those small places, small people!!
Name of Collection: The Map
Candle 1: Rohan
Candle 2: Orthanc
Candle 3: Lothlorien
Candle 4: Rivendell
Candle 5: Mirkwood
Candle 6: Minas Tirith
Candle 7: Moria
Candle 8: The Shire
Candle 9: Misty Mountains